Lockable Wheel Bolt Set

Part Number: 1K0698137A
Supersession(s): 1K0-698-137-A; 1K0698137; WHT002480051; WHT003319A000; WHT003319A005; WHT003319A007

Help deter thieves with a set of locking wheel bolts. Kit includes coded key (4) wheel locks and (4) wheel lock dust caps.

Fits Passat (2001 - 2018)

Keyword(s): lock, wheel, bolt, secure, safety, guard, lug

7 people have looked at this part recently

Your Price

$ 79.00 CAD

Fulfillment Options

+$ 37.50

Installation at Crosby Volkswagen by a certified Volkswagen CA technician at a time of your choosing. Installed price does not include local taxes. Due to different vehicle options and configurations, installation may require additional labor. Please contact your dealer to verify installation charges.

Crosby Volkswagen Inc.
Accessories Virtual Counter

632 Victoria St N, Kitchener, ON, N2H 5G1

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